This article from Tony Paradiso in energycentral is a great succinct depiction of the current situation. Unfortunately it reinforces what we have been saying for a long time. There is no real plan to decarbonize the grid or economy. Failing to plan is planning to fail.

Quoting from Tony:
“The U.S. and Canadian electric power grids are connected by 37 major transmission lines. How it operates, and what changes are made to it, are largely controlled by nine different entities known as regional transmission organizations (RTOs) and Independent System Operators (ISOs).

Above the U.S. RTOs and ISOs is the North American Reliability Corporation or NERC. And above NERC is the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or FERC.

The end result is a gaggle of bureaucrats and many territorial vested interests at play. Not a good recipe if there is a need to move quickly. Perhaps it’s time to rethink our approach.”

The energy markets will become more complex, volatile and less reliable. You need a concierge utility to help you navigate your own decarbonization and protect your bottom line.

Exergy Energy, your concierge utility, can provide all you need to be more efficient, avoid blackouts and save money. All with no upfront cost. We provide backup power as a service and will keep you running during the inevitable outages and help protect your neighbors from grid disruption.