LifeSecure: Life Safety and Emergency Backup

FacilitySecure: Facility and Campus Backup

GeneratorShield: Protection from Generator Obsolescence

BackupBank: Low-Cost Financing for Backup Generators

Backup Power-as-a-service

Exergy’s Backup-as-a-Service keeps you running during an outage and requires zero upfront capital expenditure; your long-term service agreement fixes a monthly rate for Backup Power. At the end of the agreement, ownership of the equipment transfers to you.

Backup power facilities sit idle 99.9% of the time waiting for an outage, so Exergy utilizes the equipment to participate in various grid support programs, such as demand response and synchronous reserves. We share these profits with you, reducing (or eliminating, in some cases) the fixed monthly rate for Backup-as-a-Service.

If certain critical loads cannot afford even a momentary interruption, Exergy will include ride-through battery support as part of its turnkey Backup Power solution.

exergy energy building generator maintenance

Exergy owns, operates, manages, and maintains the Backup Power for your benefit so you can focus on your business.

Your long-term service agreement with Exergy qualifies for off-balance sheet treatment under accounting rules.

exergy energy natural gas generator

What we need to get you a budgetary quote:

• Last 12 months electricity bills (and natural gas bills, if you use natural gas)

• A signed Letter of Authorization (LOA): permits your utility to provide Exergy your organization’s hourly interval data – This lets us determine the profile of your electricity demand so we can install a generator sized to your operation. Contact us and we will provide you with an LOA.

• General information about your electrical loads, including planned expansions, efficiency upgrades, etc.

Why it is time to act:

1. Grid outages are on the rise. 14-fold increase in 10 years.

2. Extreme weather will continue to get worse and cause more outages.

3. Intermittent renewable energy is making the grid less stable.

4. On average the grid is over 40 years old.

5. 92% of businesses have reported an outage in the past 12 months.

6. 90% of outrages are caused by weather events. Mostly downed wires.

exergy energy electrical grid improvement

How do I learn more?

Check out Exergy’s resources:

Instructional videos
Executive’s Checklists

Contact Us

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The Mainspring Linear Generator - Affordable. Reliable. Clean.

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Learn more about Exergy’s capabilities and platform.