More unplanned load on the grid.
Energy efficiency is great and will certainly help move us towards a decarbonized economy. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily risk free. Electrification, the moving of some functions previously provided by fossil fuels to electricity, has the consequence of adding load to the grid. This would be fine if it was planned and coordinated between all the parties. But, that has not been the case.
We are already suffering from an overloaded and out-of-date grid. Adding more load, such as heat pumps and EV’s will cause additional power quality problems and increase the probability of more outages.
Nine states, including California and New York, signed agreements to promote heat pumps to reach a target of 65% of residential heating and cooling be provided by heat pumps by 2030 and 90% by 2040. Good Luck. Without a plan, we are planning to fail.
Nine states, including California and New York, sign heat pump agreement to clean up air pollution
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