Income and Carbon Inequality
“The difference between the carbon emissions of the rich and the poor within a…
Executives and Climate Change. Head in the sand.
To get things done; requires commitment and realism. I am afraid both are…
Is the grid heading for a cliff? Better get backup power now.
“Are utilities driving energy production over a cliff, Just like Thelma and…
Think power is expensive now?
“Just wait until we need security guards to protect our substations from…
Moving forward with Nuclear
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has certified the NuScale standard…
Facility in Texas? Time to get a backup generator.
Electricity prices going-up in ERCOT, unless you have a generator. If you have…
Nuclear can make a big impact on decarbonization
Renewable energy contributed 20% of the US grid’s electricity in 2022. This…
ABC's of Backup Generators Live Event Video
Watch the recap of our live event. Backup generators can contribute a lot of…
Clear danger of widespread blackouts and brownouts!
This is the consensus from utility executives that White House Media has been…
No time left. Get a backup generator and green energy.
We have made zero progress regarding our CO2 emissions and atmospheric CO2…