Backup Power as a Service. No up-front cost.

Extreme weather coupled with an aging grid has resulted in a 14 fold increase…

"You Must Rely On Other People" The Podcast For Entrepreneurs w/ David March

It's all about the mission. It's all about the passion. And it's all about…

Why the energy transition will be painful. Get backup power.

We have been sounding the alarm that we are falling forward towards…

Electricity famine is here. Get backup power.

The grid is being set up to fail. Just ran across this great article:…

Low-cost renewables does not mean lower electricity prices.

We constantly hear how wind and solar are now cheaper than fossil fuel…

Grid needs 57% more transmission capacity. Sure, that will be easy. Get a backup generator

The Department of Energy just released a draft report concluding that the…

What is a Concierge Utility® : Live Event Video

The electricity and natural gas markets have become more complicated a…

Solar and wind is why you need backup power.

The graph depicts the minimum and maximum of the range of power that is…

Decarbonizing old buildings and making residents happy

Many old city buildings still rely on steam radiators and if you have had the…