GeneratorShield is a future-proof maintenance program to keep your tier 1 diesel generator up to date with the latest electronics so your system can provide you with additional decades of service. There is no upfront cost for Generator Shield; it is a 5- or 10-year maintenance program that includes all upgrades, in addition to standard factory service.

Because backup generators only operate a few hundred hours a year, a tier 1 diesel generator can last several lifetimes. Unfortunately, this longevity has a dark side: the electronics that control the engine become obsolete much more quickly, and older electronic parts are impossible to source. The engine is the heart of the backup generator, and it makes no sense to replace the entire system just because some of the electronic components are no longer available. That is why we created Generator Shield, a program to keep your generator up-to-date for decades of service. 

The Upgrade Pays For Itself

Generator Shield continuously upgrades your engine’s controls to the most current version providing you with improved performance, reduced maintenance expense, and peace of mind. The monthly payment for Generator Shield is often offset by lower maintenance costs and the peace of mind knowing that your generator stands ready to serve. GeneratorShield is a full service maintenance contract. The two biggest reasons for generator failure is either outdated controls or inadequate maintenance. This is why we include upgrades as part of the maintenance contract, and no a upfront cost. 

Generator Shield

  1. No upfront cost: Upgrades are included in the annual maintenance fee.
  2. No need to replace your generator: Get more value from the most reliable generator on the market.
  3. Included in your 5- or 10-year maintenance agreement. 
  4. 24-hour remote monitoring at no additional cost. 
  5. Save money: Generator Shield is a small fraction of the cost of a new generator; Upgrading the control system can reduce your maintenance expenses. 
  6. Save time: Upgrades take a fraction of the time of purchasing and installing a new generator.