What Is It Like to Work with Exergy
We are the only 100% customer-focused energy support company; we are vendor- and technology-agnostic. We are not here to sell you anything; our goal is to help you get the most out of your energy spend. Exergy is your outsourced energy management department. We call ourselves a Concierge Utility® because we work for you and sit on the same side of the table in meeting your energy needs.
Exergy is the maximum amount of work that can be done from the energy available in a given system. We chose this name to help illustrate our 100% customer focus. We help our customers get the maximum benefit from the energy they use.
Exergy Energy operates in the United States and Canada. The greatest value of Exergy’s services are obtained in the energy deregulated states and provinces. For the United States the most attractive areas are highlighted in blue and blue striped on the following map:
Exergy warrants the following:
1. Generator sized appropriate for customer’s loads.
2. Service and maintenance performed according to manufacturer’s specifications.
3. 24 x 7 monitoring of the equipment.
4. Automatic dispatch of service personnel if a repair is required.
5. Participation in all applicable grid programs approved by customer.
6. All new or zero-hour equipment.
7. Automated Transfer Switch to automatically start generator when there is an outage.
8. Compliance with all utility regulations and emission requirements.
9. Monthly activity reports.
10. Service and maintenance processes and records compliant with NFPA 110, 2014 ASHE, and JACO standards, when appropriate.
11. Exergy will operate the generator for the benefit of the customer.
Exergy warrants that the savings estimates are based on industry best practices, our best understanding of the available grid programs, and the load information provided by the customer. Exergy does not guarantee any specific dollar savings for loads under 50 MW. For loads above 50 MW, savings guarantees are contained in a separate negotiated contract.
Specific dollar savings cannot be guaranteed since the pricing of grid programs is determined by the public utility commission (PUC), federal regulations, and through open market auctions. While reasonable estimates and expectations are possible, exact values are unattainable.
The profit generated from participation in grid services, such as demand response, is inherently uncertain because it is based on the market price of energy at any specific time. Savings estimates provided are based on our best knowledge of market dynamics, historical data, and forward market curves.
Exergy is a Concierge Utility®, so we offer contracts that meet our customers’ needs. Our agreements typically 10 years, but they can range from 5 to 20 years. They are fixed monthly payments with no surprises, so you know exactly how much your services will be.
If Exergy ceases to manage your account for any reason, you still maintain your energy supply contract so there will be no interruption in energy delivery. The backup facility will continue to operate (it’s fully automated) protecting your operations from outages. Since Exergy and its affiliates supply all the capital for your system, there is no risk of capital loss to you.
No, but we hear that a lot!
Exergy is responding to i) falling renewable generation costs, ii) tax credit (and other) incentives, and iii) grid service programs and price signals provided by the wholesale and retail energy markets.
Some very large organizations (think: Google) already do this themselves using large in-house energy management teams. Exergy is a Concierge Utility® bringing these same services to you.
Exergy has a stable of capital partners with attractive capital costs and strong interest to finance our projects. We bring the entire capital stack: equity, debt (if necessary), and tax credit financing.
No, Exergy is responding to the programs, incentives, benefits, and market signals provided by the regional transmission operators whose job it is to create a stable energy delivery network at an affordable cost.
Yes! Exergy installs or contracts sufficient solar and wind resources to generate the same number of kWhs as your facility consumes. In this way, your facility becomes a 100% renewable energy consumer.
Exergy provides a service contract that does not appear on your balance sheet. At the end to the term, ownership of the equipment is passed to you.