Trojan Horse threat to the energy grid: Chinese Batteries.
With all the hype around batteries, you would think this juggernaut is unstoppable. Maybe it is, but it did certainly suffer a setback recently at Duke Energy.
Duke Energy to phase out Chinese batteries due to hacking concerns
“Duke Energy announced it will remove Chinese-made batteries from Camp Lejeune due to potential cybersecurity threats.”
“The decision comes after warnings from U.S. officials that hackers linked to the Chinese government are targeting the U.S. power grid and other critical infrastructure.”
We have enough to worry about with the energy transition, now we have to worry about components of the energy transition. This will likely slow progress, increase costs and result in a less reliable grid.
Plan, prepare and act; in partnership with Exergy Energy, your Concierge Utility®. We will make sure you have clean, reliable power and keep running even when the grid goes down. Our unique control architecture protects you and the nation from cyberterrorism.