Standard of Living, Energy and Climate Change

Standard of Living, Energy and Climate Change

The complexity of a system increases with N-factorial of the number of interconnected items. The problem is that you can’t have all three at the same time (at least in the short run). This fact came to mind as I was reading the following report:

New Study Finds Electric Grid Stress Will limit Residential Electrification/Emissions Initiatives

From Jackson Associates, makes it clear that our demand to consume ever more energy will make decarbonization harder and later, resulting in more climate damage that previously expected.

Quoting from the article: “Utilities are already facing unprecedented electricity demand growth in large part because of the huge increase in the number of new data centers. According to Wells Fargo, electricity demand could conceivably increase by as much as 20 percent by 2030. This unexpected electricity demand surge is causing utilities and grid operators angst across more than a dozen states resulting in delayed decommissioning of coal generation and the addition of gas-fired peaking units to provide power during peak periods (e.g., 5-9 pm in the summer).”

The bottom line: something has to give and what will that be? Knowing what little I do know about human nature, I expect we will not voluntarily reduce our standard of living or deprive others of improving there’s and since one’s standard of living is directly proportional to the amount of energy they can apply, the climate will continue to be sacrificed.