No small problem.
According to the Tao-te Ching (The Way and its Power):
“Plan for what is difficult while it is still easy, do what is great while it is still small. For this reason, sages never do what is great, and this is why they can achieve greatness.”
I was reminded of this passage while reviewing the NASA CO2 concentration data.
We have known about CO2 and the greenhouse gas effect since 1859. We knew about it while it was still small. Now it is big (not great, but big) and getting worse. As I look around me at modern society, the amount we need to change is inconceivable and likely impossible. It is like turning a massive fully laden ship. It can be done, but will take time. Time, we do not have and the longer it takes the more difficult it is.
We must acknowledge that we are running the climate change experiment and need to prepare and adapt. The transition will be difficult and painful. Reach out for help from the experts in energy and carbon. Please visit us at