heat related outage

Are you in danger of a heat-related outage: Very Likely.

As much as two-thirds of the United States could face power outages as NOAA forecasts summer temperatures to be higher than usual.

According to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation Summer forecast large areas of the country at risk. Quoting from the article:

Summer Heat Waves Could Cause Blackouts Across the Country

“Most studies forecasting longer-term temperature trends estimate that it will only get hotter, and heat waves will become more common as climate change heats up the globe. One recent study estimates that the number of days above 100°F (38°C) in the United States each year will double and the number of days above 105°F (41°C) will triple by midcentury compared to the end of the 20th century.”

It is important for everyone to be proactive. The die is cast, as this is going to happen regardless of the decarbonization actions we take today or for the next decade. We are paying now for the emissions of the past. You need to protect business and organizations and the only way to do that is with backup generation.

As if businesses don’t have enough challenges to manage, now they need to become their own electric utility. There is a better way. Exergy Energy, the concierge utility, will provide backup power as a service for no CAPEX or upfront cost. And since the grid is straining from the heat and increased load, Exergy can make that generator a profit center for your business by providing much needed support to the grid.

To learn more how you can protect your business without sacrificing your growth capital, visit us at https://exergyenergy.com