Masters in Computer Science
Bachelors in Computer Science
In addition to his work with Exergy Energy LLC, Jon Wyatt Hopkins is currently CEO of Novelty Technology, a software products and services firm implementing advanced software architectures. He also serves as CEO of Vitafy Health, a subsidiary of Novelty that supplies software in support of the free market healthcare ecosystem. Prior to joining Novelty and Vitafy, Mr. Hopkins was CTO and co-founder at Speakpulse LLC, a developer of speech analytics software. He has served in a number of roles at software technology firms including Rational Software Corporation. Previously, he was President, CEO and founder of Palladio Software, a development tools corporation purchased by Rational in January of 1995. In addition to founding several successful software companies, Mr. Hopkins has had extensive experience in the management and deployment of componentized software products and supporting services. His software development background includes compilers, control systems, CASE tools, modeling systems and software product planning.