“A report published by IRENA on Tuesday said an additional $35 trillion of investments in transitional technologies would be needed by 2030 to curb global heating to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.”
“The global energy transition is off track to prevent the worst impact of the climate emergency, according to the head of the International Renewable Energy Agency, and a fundamental course correction is required to successfully pivot away from fossil fuels.”
So, what does this actually mean? The reality is we won’t get back on track in time and the effects of climate change will continue to get worse. This has four very important implications:
• More extreme weather.
• Faster deployment of the energy transition without a comprehensive plan.
• Increased costs.
• A need to focus on adaptation and mitigation strategies.
Bottom line. More power outages, more disruption, higher costs, greater volatility and more risk. It is too late to stop these impacts. You need to prepare.
You need to protect your business and its bottom line with backup power. Exergy Energy, your concierge utility, can provide all you need to be more efficient, avoid blackouts and save money. All with no upfront cost. We provide backup power as a service and will keep you running during the inevitable outages and protect your profit margins from energy price volatility.