The grid is being set up to fail.

Just ran across this great article:

“The quasi-governmental agency that tracks the health of the electric system, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, reported in December that Texas, the Midwest, and New England are all at risk of running short of electricity. The coping mechanism? Rotating blackouts. And, NERC says, the story doesn’t look good in the rest of the country either.”

I have personally read the NERC report and it is not pretty. (actually quite alarming). A mountain of work needs to be done to avoid disaster and I am not optimistic.

The bottom line. Expect increased blackouts, higher costs, higher price volatility and demand charges. You need to protect your business and its bottom line, by getting better energy contracts and backup power. Exergy Energy, your concierge utility, can provide all you need to be more efficient, avoid blackouts and save money. All with no upfront cost. Our backup power as a service, will keep you running during the inevitable blackouts.