Hand up for help

Do your part to help the energy transition. Get a backup generator.

As we transition to a less carbon intensive grid, we are replacing dispatchable baseload generation with non-dispatchable intermittent renewables. This is leading to a host of problems which can only be solved by additional dispatchable and time and weather independent generation. Backup generators are a perfect fit for this. Not only do they protect you and your bottom line from grid outages, having this dispatchable generation available to the grid, reduces the probability of outages and is profitable for backup generator owners.

While this is a win-win situation, it still has 2 major drawbacks. First, you need to put up the capital to purchase and install the backup generator and second, you need the knowledge and infrastructure to participate in grid services. Luckily, Exergy Energy, your concierge utility, takes care of all this for you. Our zero CAPEX backup power as a service, gets you the backup generation you need with no upfront cost and we manage your generator to get the highest profit available from helping the grid and your neighbors. To learn more please visit us at exergyenergy.com or please attend one of our bi-monthly LinkedIn Live Events: “All things Energy” were we interview leading energy market executives to help you manage and prosper through the energy transition.