chase the money

Rockland Capital

Follow the money! The old saying “put your money where your mouth is:” rings…

light bulb in the dark

Power Quality Last

Power Quality is rapidly declining. This is a real problem. Exergy Energy,…

tree destruction

Winter Wonderland

Forget winter wonderland. How about winter horror show? Snow can be fun until…

man on a public bus

Consumers Not Onboard with the Energy Transition

An interesting convergence in my inbox this morning. First; Patrick Pouyanne,…

Wooden trojan horse

Trojan Horse Batteries

Trojan Horse threat to the energy grid: Chinese Batteries. With all the hype…

Apartment building

Heat Pumps

More unplanned load on the grid. Energy efficiency is great and will certainly…


Blew Past 1.5 Degrees of Warming

Climate change is happening. What does it mean to the energy system? Just got…

Person holding the palm of their hand up with writing in red lettering

Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY)

Can’t get there if you won’t go there! Every poll indicates there is…

no-face showing hacker with green digital background

FBI Cyber Warnings

Another reason to get a backup generator. The FBI just advised Congress that…

Planet Earth disintegrating in space

How do we know we caused climate change?

How do we know climate change is caused by humans? As I have repeatedly…