Continuous (Prime) Power

The grid has been the preferred source for electricity for many decades, but that is changing. Rapid load growth, the retirement of baseload power plants, and an increase in intermittent renewable generation has resulted in a grid that is less reliable and lacks the capacity to support as much load growth as is forecast. 

If your operation needs power due to expansion or new construction, and the grid can’t supply the power within an acceptable timeframe, you might want to consider generating your own electricity onsite. This is typically referred to as “Prime” power to designate this as the facility’s primary source of power. Due to plentiful and inexpensive natural gas, you can eliminate the need for grid expansion and a new substation by generating your own power onsite. This can be much faster, more reliable, and less expensive. 

As your Concierge Utility®, Exergy will design, build, own and operate a dedicated power plant on your site and sell you the power you need with a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). There’s no capital investment and all equipment operation, service and maintenance are managed by Exergy.