Equipment Selection and Quality


How Do I Know You’re Installing Top Quality Equipment?

Our contract stipulates that we only use new Tier-One equipment. You can rest assured that you will get the best equipment when ownership passes to you at the end of the service contract. In addition, our capital providers require us to use high-quality equipment covered by long-term maintenance contracts. Lastly, Exergy makes most of its profit using the generator to sell services to the grid. We, therefore, have an incredible incentive to ensure the generator always works, so we only purchase the best.


What If I Outgrow The Generator?

Generators can be joined and run in parallel to provide greater power: If your load grows beyond what can be serviced by the current generator, we can add generators in parallel for an additional monthly payment. If you have non-essential loads, we can install load shedding controllers to turn off selected loads when the generator is running, thereby foregoing the need for additional power generation.