Ain’t no solar, when there’s smoke. (thanks to NASA for the picture)

Just received the data on the impact of the Canadian wildfire smoke on solar…

Outages 6-19

400,000 people without power at 9 AM: Not looking good for the rest of the…

New York Grid at Risk

“The rate at which old fossil fuel plants are being replaced by green energy…

Increased Strain on NY Power Grid Affecting LL97 Regulations

Last Wednesday, the New York grid operator warned the rapid transition to…

Artificial Intelligence is Fueling the Energy Transition

AI is playing a crucial role in accelerating the global energy transition…

Exergy Energy Optimized Energy Procurement

Exergy has just launched a new energy procurement platform that provides a…

The Looming Power Shortage

A recent E3 study projecting a capacity shortage in the Pacific Northwest (PNW)…

Backup Generator Maintenance: Simplifying Equipment Upgrades

Most businesses have backup generators as they rely on uninterrupted power so…

A CEO's Guide to a Stronger Energy Star Portfolio with Third-Party Management

Enhancing your Energy Star portfolio is crucial for CEOs aiming to boost…