Artificial Intelligence or Accelerated Impoverishment

Artificial Intelligence or Accelerated Impoverishment

Energy is life. The more energy we can use the higher our standard of living.…

June 19 2024 - Batteries- Can they be a free backup generator?

Live Event Video : Batteries: Can they be a free backup generator?

Batteries are constantly in the news, but do they make sense for commercial and…

Exergy Energy visits the National Renewable Energy’s Flat Iron Laboratory

Exergy Energy Visits the National Renewable Energy’s Flat Iron Laboratory

Shout out of thanks to NREL. I had the honor of visiting and touring the…

confused woman

Batteries Myth or Reality

Batteries for commercial backup power. Myth or Reality? The confluence of…

CO2 history

How Tao-te Ching Reminded me of the History of CO2

No small problem. According to the Tao-te Ching (The Way and its Power): “Plan…

Live Event Video : Challenges of Power Quality in Today's Grid

An in-depth discussion on the energy transition, where we are at, where we…

Energy Star PortfolioManager

Take your energy management to the next level with Energy Star

Many cities now require organizations to report their carbon footprint, energy…

Fuel deliveries

Fuel Deliveries

No sun, no power: no wind, no power: no diesel, no power. I just received a…

heat related outage

Likely Outage

Are you in danger of a heat-related outage: Very Likely. As much as two-thirds…

too hot to live

Climate change death to business

Yesterday we posted “Climate Change is Deadly”: it focused on the human toll…