Energy Star PortfolioManager

Take your energy management to the next level with Energy Star

Many cities now require organizations to report their carbon footprint, energy…

Fuel deliveries

Fuel Deliveries

No sun, no power: no wind, no power: no diesel, no power. I just received a…

heat related outage

Likely Outage

Are you in danger of a heat-related outage: Very Likely. As much as two-thirds…

too hot to live

Climate change death to business

Yesterday we posted “Climate Change is Deadly”: it focused on the human toll…

Guardian graphic. Source: National Weather Service. Seasonal temperature outlook issued on 16 May 2024. Forecast unavailable for Hawaii.

Air Conditioning: the life or death appliance needs electricity

Guardian graphic. Source: National Weather Service. Seasonal temperature…


Battle Bots: Danger Will Robinson

While we all (or at least many of us) worship at the altar of Adam Smith and…

Planning for Outages: View from an Operations Executive

Planning for Outages: View from an Operations Executive

Outages are on the rise and every grid operator in the U.S. is ringing the…

Standard of Living, Energy and Climate Change

The Three Body Problem

Standard of Living, Energy and Climate Change The complexity of a system…