The face of grid reliability

If you didn’t catch it, some domestic terrorists shot up 2 Duke substations in…

The lowest cost zero carbon electron might be nuclear

Exergy Energy is committed to a zero carbon, but reliable electric grid. We…

IRA Webinar Follow Up

Yesterday Enerex gathered industry leaders to share how the IRA impacts the…

Panelists Comment on Role of Backup Generators in Decarbonization

Exergy Energy hosted a panel discussion with three industry experts on the…

A Manhattan Project for the Climate

No one doubts the seriousness of climate change. Unfortunately, this…

The Exergy Model - Stochastic Analysis

(Read Time: 8 minutes).  Exergy’s business model requires…

Power Resilience Guide for Water and Wastewater Utilities

(Read Time: 25 minutes).  This guide includes information from water industry…

We don't know how to decarbonize the grid

(Read Time 5 minutes). While all of us are looking forward to its…

Diesel Corrosion Control

(Read Time: 15 minutes). A short, 27-slide presentation by Octane Systems Inc.…

Peak load Prediction White Paper

(Read Time: 12 minutes). This whitepaper develops forecasting models using…